viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

TV Shows: a great way to learn English!!

Well, today I'm going to recommend you some TV shows I find quite entertaining and which I have enjoyed a lot. When learning a language while living in a country where it isn't really spoken, such as Spain, you have to make use of as many resources as you can find and make the best of the things you have at hand. An excellent and highly recommendable way of improving your listening skills is to watch TV Shows. Movies are also a good idea, but they take more time and therefore more concentration. Besides, they do not offer continuity whereas TV Shows do. Continuity is something quite positive since you eventually get used to the accent, rhythm and tone of the actors and will inevitably understand more and more after every episode.

Now the question is... Which TV shows to watch?

Since there are so many you must sieve the most appropriate to your level and objectives. For example, watching shows like Big Bang Theory or The Sopranos, which are two masterpieces I personally enjoy very much, will probably generate frustration in the intermediate learner since they are very hard to follow. So, my advice is to watch a show like Curb Your Enthusiasm where the speech is clearer and there is only one main protagonist that can be easily understood. Perhaps Two and a Half Men will also do the trick. Another option is to watch a TV show that's focused on action rather than words, such as LOST .

Anyway, regardless of your pick, try to watch it with subtitles. Spanish subtitles if your level is beginner and of course English subtitles if you're intermediate or advanced.

Another good option is to watch documentaries which are always easier to follow, although usually somewhat boring and without continuity.

I'll leave you a link to the IMDB review of Curb Your Enthusiasm:

As always, Enjoy!

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